Standout Landlord Manager is an affordable management tool for Landlords to help manage tenants and vacancies.
Built from the ground up to be easy to use, we design every element to make managing your vacancies as easy as possible.
Standout Landlord Manager is an affordable tenancy / vacancy management software system for Landlords wanting a user-friendly experience to help run their company in a smooth and efficient way.
With clear objectives, sensible labels, helpful alerts, and an ever-expanding help section, we pride ourselves in the fact that the Standout Landlord Manager has been designed to be user friendly.
What’s more, if something goes wrong, we’re automatically notified and are able to work on a patch for the next update or hotifx, minimising any issues caused.
One system manages properties, tenants, repairs, invoicing.
One system works on desktop, tablet, and mobile, in all modern browsers. One bookmark, one login, one experience.
From converting your existing brochures / property details to creating custom brochures to meet your needs, we can customise to suit your needs*.
* Additional costs may be incurredAlways available, the quick search allows you to find the tenant or property you need, from anywhere.
You have complete control over who can log in, from where, and what they can access, adding extra security for peace of mind.
Standout Landlord Manager supports two-factor authentication, giving you extra peace of mind.
Your feedback helps shape the future of Standout Landlord Manager, from new features to ease-of-life improvements.